Somerset LMC Position Paper on the PCN DES
Date sent: Tuesday 19 May 2020
All Somerset GPs and Practice Managers
Dear Colleagues
We are aware that a number of LMCs have published their view on the DES, including if they think practices should sign up. We do not believe that there is a “one size” fits all answer that we can give practices in Somerset about how they should act. Several factors can make the DES more or less attractive. These factors are dependent on the individual circumstances of the practice, the maturity and stability of the PCN it is part of and the additional funded services that NHSEI may try to attach to the PCN DES. Therefore this position paper is aimed at helping practices to make the decision that is best for them, before the 31st May
Kind Regards
Dr Karen Sylvester LMC Chairman
Dr Tim Horlock Vice Chairman
Somerset LMC
TEL: 01823 331428
Fax:01823 338561
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