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Retainers and Returners

Updated on Tuesday, 14 February 2023, 3304 views

Both of these schemes have been refreshed with the advent of the GP Forward View. The Induction and Refresher Scheme has been streamlined and now has a dedicated unit to help practitioners return to practice after a career break. They have a dedicated website which is linked below.

The Retainers scheme has also been refreshed and the criteria to apply are now wider than before and there is increased support for the practitioner and the practice. This scheme allows increased flexibility and educational supervision for the doctor which may be for a number of reasons – caring responsibilities, personal illness, approaching retirements or other roles.

If you are considering returning to General Practice after a career break or need help and support to work less than full time

Somerset GP Career Plus Scheme

Somerset has been running one of the national pilots for the GP Career Plus Scheme with a third course due to start in October 2018. Originally devised as a way of encouraging GPs nearing retirement to stay on in practice, the Somerset scheme has been very successfully widened to cover any doctor who is considering leaving the Medical Performers List or who is having second thoughts about a career in general practice. To date one cohort completed the programme of 13 afternoons over 6 months which led to a nationally exceptional increase in the number of sessions that the participating GPs intended to work and very positive feedback from the participants.

The course is evolving with each cohort, but currently falls into three parts: team building and group dynamics, exploring horizons, and becoming an expert resource. The meetings are organised by a clinical facilitator and held on a mutually agreeable weekday afternoon. They run for 3 hours, starting with a sandwich lunch, and Participants are paid the current LMC attendance rate and travel expenses.

For more details contact 

GP Career plus Somerset

GP retention Scheme-Severn Primary Care http ://

GP Retention scheme

GP Induction and Refresher Scheme (I&R) Scheme

BMA Retainer Scheme


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