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Somerset LMC Weekly Update Friday 5th April 2024

Date sent: Friday 5 April 2024

Sent to all Somerset GPs and Practice Managers          This and previous updates are available here

Clinical News/Updates

Adult ADHD Referral Difficulties: The LMC are aware of the recent difficulties of referring into this service and are in discussions with the team to create a workable solution for all. Any new pathway will be piloted before being implemented. For now, our agreement from Mach 2023 remains that referrals can be made via a referral letter, and as much information as possible is encouraged. Details around the impact, duration, context, pervasiveness and whether the behaviours have been present since childhood should be included to enable triage. The team will then send a patient questionnaire to the patient which will be required to be returned by the patient in a timely manner directly to the ADHD team for them to accept and process the referral. Failure of the patient to complete the form will result in the referral being closed.

Annual Flu Letter: The tripartite annual flu letter for 2024/25 has now been published: National flu immunisation programme 2024 to 2025 letter - GOV.UK ( The letter sets out for providers the details of which cohorts are eligible for a flu vaccine in 2024/25 and which vaccines will be reimbursable. There are no changes to the cohorts for next year’s programme, but based on JCVI advice, there are changes to the timing of the adult programme. NHSE will aim to publish the flu service specifications shortly.

Prescribing of Gender Affirming Hormones (masculinising or feminising hormones) as part of the Children and Young People’s Gender Service: NHS England have published new guidance in March 2024. Gender Affirming Hormones (masculinising or feminising hormones) (GAH) are available as a routine commissioning treatment option for young people with continuing gender incongruence / gender dysphoria from around their 16th birthday subject to individuals meeting the eligibility and readiness criteria as set out in this new guidance. 
Collaboration between the young person’s General Practitioner (GP) and the specialist multi-disciplinary team is essential in the best interests of the young person. Where shared care is agreed, the GP should receive timely and meaningful support from the specialist team including issues around shared care such as administration, prescribing, patient safety monitoring and basic physical examinations.
NHS England will commission GAH therapy for young people who meet the eligibility and readiness criteria described in this policy document from around their 16th birthday.
NHS England has explored whether it would be appropriate to prescribe GAH to young people with gender incongruence below 16 years of age. Given the very limited evidence (including from other countries) about the effects and harms of GAH to young people under 16 years, the policy stipulates that young people should be aged around 16 years to receive a prescription for these medicines.
Somerset MD LMC Top Tip: GPs should only prescribe GAH when they feel clinically competent to do so and in accordance with an agreed shared care guideline when possible. BMA guidance on managing patients with gender dysphoria is useful.

Surgical Admission Pathway at YDH: This current poster explains the new surgical referral process to YDH. The original offer of patient transport (as per the poster) is no longer possible and so that would need to be arranged through SPL. This referral pathway is in addition to the usual referral route via SPL. The LMC is aware of current variability in the call being answered and the pathway is under review. We will update you as we hear further developments. If there are any problems in the interim please contact

Very High-Risk Breast Screening: NHS England is currently contacting a group of 1,487 women at very high risk of breast cancer following chest radiotherapy for Hodgkin lymphoma, after NHSE was alerted that some of these women treated when aged between 10 to 35 years during 1962 to 2003 may not have been invited for this annual testing. NHSE has sent a letter apologising for what has happened and NHS breast screening services will follow up by offering appointments. Anyone who thinks they might be in this group can get further information and support from a dedicated helpline: 0345 8778962​. More information can be found on the NHS website.

Information for GP Partners/Salaried/Locums/Practice Managers

GP Referendum BMA Voting Review: The BMA are aware that there were some database issues identified, and despite everyone’s efforts, some GPs who wanted to vote weren’t able to. They are working hard to ensure this doesn’t happen again and would like to better understand why GPs couldn’t vote and are hoping to collate this information via this online form. Any information that GPs share will purely be for the purposes of working with BMA membership to address the recent issues.

The Claire Wand Fund: This is a charitable fund that makes grants to GPs to provide scholarships and grants for research and education. Examples of awarded grants include: Research projects initiated by GPs, audits, course fees where the course will lead to the development of new clinical services within the applicant’s practice, and travel for the study of general practice in different cultures. The fund welcomes applications twice a year, at least three weeks prior to the April and October trustee meetings. Claire Wand Fund | Providing Education and Research Grants for GPs | Claire Wand Fund - Providing Education and Research Grants for GPs. Please note that the next meeting of the Trustees is on 25 April 2024. Applications for grants should be submitted by 11 April 2024.


General Practice Workforce and Career Planning Event: Somerset Training Hub in conjunction with Bridgwater & Taunton College are holding a General Practice Workforce and Career Planning Event on Wednesday 1st May 2024 at the Conference Centre at the college Taunton campus. This FREE event will focus on primary care workforce planning. We will look at different types of apprenticeship programmes and other opportunities that are available to support recruitment and retention in General Practice. The day will run from 09.30-15.20 and includes lunch and refreshments. All practice managers and PCN managers are invited to attend. To book a place at this event, please follow this link. We would love to see you there. Any queries please email

Kind regards


Jill Hellens

Executive Director
Somerset LMC
Crown Medical Centre, Venture Way, Taunton, TA2 8QY

Tel: (01823) 331 428            
Fax: (01823) 338 561
General Practice in Somerset Great Place Great Potential

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