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Somerset LMC Weekly Update Friday 16th June 2023

Date sent: Friday 16 June 2023

Sent to all Somerset GPs and Practice Managers          This and previous updates are available here

Covid Antivirals We now have an updated position from the BMA regarding the position of GPs prescribing Covid antivirals. We have previously advised that GP should not be prescribing and we are delighted to announce that we now have formal written communication from the BMA

The position is clear. The 4 medications that are currently utilised in the Covid Medicine Delivery Units are NOT TO BE PRESCRIBED BY GPS UNLESS THEY ARE PART OF AN APPROPRIATE COMMISSIONED SERVICE. Somerset LMC is awaiting information from the Somerset ICB as to how this service will be commissioned but we hope that this will be a service that we can refer patients to and that patients can contact directly. We continue to stress to our ICB colleagues that our practices remain under considerable pressure and that our focus has to be to provide safe care, timely access and remain resilient.

Accelerated Access to Records: Following the imposition of the GP contract, practices will be expected to provide automatic prospective record access to all patients from 31st October 2023. While GPC England remains committed to finding a way forward whilst acknowledging the reality on the ground for GPs, we have prepared guidance outlining steps practices should take ahead of the planned switch on. If you have any questions not addressed in the guidance, please get in touch with

Oral anxiolytics in MRI scanning Somerset LMC recognise that some patients may have significant anxiety when having an MRI scan. The GP community is divided in their views on prescribing in this setting. As such patients can speak to their GP but they need to be aware that not all GPs will prescribe anxiolytics in this setting and therefore alternative arrangements may need to be implemented by the trust.

Mar Chart Template Letter We are aware that some DN teams are still asking GPs to complete these despite an agreement in 2020 that they only need to be done for palliative care and insulin. While we do raise this repeatedly with the providers, we have also put together a template letter that practices are free to use and send to their DN leads.

Evidence Based Interventions (EBI) – A change to the Funding Application Process To enable GP’s and patients to receive a prompt response to their funding request for treatment, the EBI team at NHS Somerset ICB have made an immediate change to the due process for funding applications:  ‘All application forms received by us that contain the clinical evidence to support a clinical need for the patient to receive the treatment requested, as underwritten in the relevant clinical policy, will be processed without delay regardless of which version of the form it is.

Liver Improvement Project Update Predictive Health Intelligence (PHI) is sending out more letters over the next few weeks offering an appointment at Musgrove to patients who might be at risk of developing liver disease. The numbers are very low and the letter they get gives a phone number, email and a 24 hour answer phone. The senior team at SFT, PALS, Communications and the GP PPG chairs group have all also been informed. Any queries please contact Mark Wall at SFT 0790 999 3278

Diagnosis of Myeloma The following Link is from Myeloma UK shared by the Haematology Consultant Dr Jackie Ruell and is a helpful guide for the investigation testing and diagnosis of Myeloma. This also include links to the NICE Guidelines

The Andrology Service  has recently updated their laboratory processes to meet the latest WHO 2021 guidelines and in accordance with UKAS accreditation which includes an update for the reference ranges.

TNA Courses/places commencing September 2023 the timescales are very tight (the Training hub needs to submit applications by 26th June!) so please do apply as early as you can, further info below on the process, any queries please do contact Programme Manager  TNA advert   TNA additional information


Kind regards


Jill Hellens

Executive Director
Somerset LMC
Crown Medical Centre, Venture Way, Taunton, TA2 8QY

Tel: (01823) 331 428            
Fax: (01823) 338 561
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