General Practice Alert Status (GPAS)
Devon LMC developed and operationalised a simple reporting system to collect a small sample of data from their practices to indicate the strain on general practice in their area. This data collection is called GPAS (General Practice Alert State). The GPAS data converts the data collected into an OPEL assessment which will trigger a system response to support.
GPAS has now been rolled out across the country with a majority of LMCs participating in the data collection and now recently reports to a national dashboard to support national policy for general practice.
The data collection is based on the total Monday appointment activity. The data to be submitted is for all clinical appointments to include, Doctors, Nurses, HCAs and Pharmacists, it can also include your extended access appointments. Along with your raw list size we will then be able to track activity per 1000 patients at locality and county levels thus providing more evidence of pressures in General Practice. We believe that clinicians working in the acute environment will have a much better sense of the challenges facing General Practice when figures presented as per 1000 patients or average list size are used.
The data collected is anonymous, names of practices will not be reported just kept within the LMC for a contact purpose if required.
Support guides for extracting the data collection
Monday Contacts Data Extraction A Step by Step Guide for EMIS Practices
Monday Contacts Data Extraction procedure for Front Desk
GPAS Reports