Somerset LMC Weekly Update Friday 10th November 2023
Date sent: Friday 10 November 2023
Sent to all Somerset GPs and Practice Managers This and previous updates are available here
- MD Soundbites!
- GPAS (General Practice Alert State)
- Onboarding Process for Advice First from Cinapsis Underway Across Somerset
- Winter Resilience Payment
- Staff Vaccination for Flu
- New Medical Certificate of Cause of Death for Statutory Medical Examiner System
- New Shingles Programme
- Stop Adult Abuse Week 20-24 November 2023 - Safeguarding Yourself and Others
- Yeovil and Bridgwater Public Libraries are Offering a Free Low Impact Activity and Movement Session for Patients
- Safe Working in General Practice (BMA) This guidance is regularly updated with new items and suggestions
- Job Vacancies
- Somerset Emotional Wellbeing Podcasts - new this week - Children's Emotional Health and Neurodiversity
Winter Resilience Payments: We have been informed by the ICB that the 70% (£1.79 per patient) will reach practice accounts at the end of November.
Staff Vaccination for Flu: Provision is an employer responsibility and not provided under the NHS flu programme. Frontline primary care staff are not eligible for a free NHS flu vaccination and therefore are not included in the Annual Flu Letter cohorts, but they do appear in the enhanced service spec because the decision was taken last year to include frontline primary care staff in the spec to allow for cover under the Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice, as provision of flu vaccinations to these staff is an employer responsibility.
New Medical Certificate of Cause of Death for Statutory Medical Examiner System: Ministers previously announced that the statutory medical examiner system will commence from April 2024. The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) and the Department of Health and Social Care are developing a digital Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) for England and Wales. Anyone involved completing or handling MCCDs in any capacity, can take part in the research and be involved in shaping the design of the future digital MCCD. As many people as possible are needed to take part to build an effective and inclusive digital service. The research sessions will be convenient to staff and NHSBSA will make sure they fit around colleagues’ availability. To participate, please complete the survey and provide your contact details. Please email for more information.
New Shingles Programme: You will be aware that there has been some guidance released this week from the South West CQRS Team with an error in the SFE and it also highlighted an issue with the Ardens searches including cluster codes which are not included in the payment searches for GPES. The CQRS team have been contacted by a number of practices asking for amendments on the last months extraction, this was also highlighted to the LMC by a number of our practices earlier this week and thank you to those practices who have been in touch. This has been raised at a national level.
The practices can apply clinical discretion given the Green Book definitions are, in places, not exhaustive but it would be expected this would be proportionate and not simply a straight offer to everyone. The LMC asked the team what should be recorded by practices on their amendment forms if they feel clinically a patient should have a vaccination and the advice is to add, “‘patient was vaccinated as clinically appropriate’ do remember to provide supporting evidence.
The SNOMED codes for the new programme are on page 11 of the shingles technical guidance, it also includes the SNOMED codes that are no longer part of the programme, please ensure you are using the updated template.
Yeovil and Bridgwater Public Libraries are Offering a Free Low Impact Activity and Movement Session for Patients: This one hour guided session is tailored to attendees and are designed to support those with a health condition or anyone who would like some help to get moving.
Remaining date: 21 November - 11-12pm - Yeovil Library. For full details including how to book see Free Low Impact Activity and Movement Sessions (
Kind regards
Jill Hellens
Executive Director
Somerset LMC
Crown Medical Centre, Venture Way, Taunton, TA2 8QY
Tel: (01823) 331 428
Fax: (01823) 338 561
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