GPFV monies for Signposting and Document Flow
Date sent: Monday 16 October 2017
All Senior Partners and Practice Managers
Dear Colleagues
The LMC have now received GPFV monies for further training in Signposting and Document flow in practice 17/18, we will be rolling out practice based learning for signposting in the next couple of months, more news on that soon. The CCG have kept back a quarter of the funds available to roll out a Somerset Directory of services, for further detail on this please contact
We are aware that a number of practices are already putting documnet flow into practice after the training delivered by EPI and this requires dedicated time for the GP champion in each practice to deliver, some practices have already asked for backfill to enable the GP to implement this, the amount of money available for each practice in Somerset is in the region of £900, would you please therefore submit a brief break down via e mail on how you propose to use the money available by Monday 30th October in order for these monies to be distributed as soon as possible.
We are also aware that a few GPs did not attend the recent training events, if training is still required would you please let me know and we will arrange a further session.
Kind Regards
Jill Hellens
Executive Director
Somerset LMC
TEL: 01823 331428
Fax:01823 338561
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