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Somerset LMC Weekly Update Friday 12th May 2023

Date sent: Friday 12 May 2023

Sent to all Somerset GPs and Practice Managers          This and previous updates are available here

Access and the new contract: As you will be aware the imposed changes to the GMS contract for general practice in 2023/24 comes into force on Monday May 15th. As part of this there are widely publicised changes to patient access requirements. As an LMC we are working with the ICB to provide urgent clarity about what this means and how this will be monitored locally. This will be available very soon. Until we publish this joint statement the LMC advise practices not to make any changes to their current arrangements.

In the meantime practices may wish to re look at the GPC Access guidance included in last week’s update and pasted again below…

New GP access regulations: On 15 May, the new access regulations come into force for GMS and PMS contract-holders. These changes were imposed after GPC England roundly rejected NHSE’s proposals for the 2023/24 year.
The access regulations are fundamentally misconceived. It is not possible to meaningfully increase patient access without dealing with the issue throttling the access in the first place – workload and capacity in general practice. During contract negotiations we made clear our concern with this superficial approach to dealing with systemic problems, and forcefully bargained for real solutions. Unfortunately, our proposals were rejected, and the Government has elected to push forward with these changes.
We have developed guidance for practices to help them navigate this. The key change practices need to be aware of is that patients cannot be asked to call back another day; instead, patients must be offered an appointment, offered “appropriate advice or care”, signposted to a service or resource, asked to provide further information, or informed as to when they will receive further information about the services that may be provided (having regard to urgency of clinical needs and other relevant circumstances).

Weight Management referrals: We are aware that the service are now rejecting practice referrals due to lack of staff, we have escalated this to the ICB as practices are unable to hold waiting lists and are only obliged to refer, we will update you as soon as we can.

Communications APP: There is now a free app available which allows staff to communicate with patients and service users in over 30 different languages. The app, called CardMedic, helps to improve access for patients by translating common healthcare conversations and allowing better communication between patients and staff.
The app is readily available for clinicians to use now, it can be downloaded for free and used on any mobile or tablet from our Somerset Apps Library CardMedic App

Improving access to OH assessments for small businesses: The Department of Work and Pensions is looking to understand how individuals (employees or employers) currently seek GP support for health concerns or disabilities that are impacting them at work, and to explore views on how they could use these channels to raise awareness and signpost to a new service that provides occupational health assessments. The GP contract does not fund occupational health work, and most GPs do not hold formal OH qualifications. This is extra work which places increased burden on already over-worked practices. DWP are looking for one or two GPs who could spend 30-45 minutes having a discussion with their researchers.
If you are able to help, please contact, who is the user researcher on the DWP team.

Signposting Training: Practices may wish to further train their reception and admin staff in care navigation. The LMC has been delivering this education for several years and are still doing so, if any practice or PCN would like this training or need an update due to changes in staff please e mail

Safe Working in General Practice (BMA)
“Core” general practice: 
It is crucial that GPs and practices devote their time and energy to providing services and care that are commissioned and resourced.


Kind regards


Jill Hellens

Executive Director
Somerset LMC
Crown Medical Centre, Venture Way, Taunton, TA2 8QY

Tel: (01823) 331 428            
Fax: (01823) 338 561
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