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Somerset LMC Weekly Update Friday 1st March 2024

Date sent: Friday 1 March 2024

Sent to all Somerset GPs and Practice Managers          This and previous updates are available here

Update on the GP Contract 2024/5

NHS England sent out details of the 2024/25 contract yesterday The BMA press release by Dr Katie Bramall-Stainer, Chair of GPC England can be found here.
“We are told by Government that the work of GPs and their practice teams is “hugely valued”. But actions speak louder than words, and GPs will see another year of cuts to their total practice income per patient which itself has only risen by £15 in over a decade, despite 1000 practices being lost, 2000 fewer GPs and over 6,000,000 more patients registered with practices across England. For this contract to match 2019/20 funding, it would need a 8.7% uplift. Instead it’s another effective cut of 1.9% and a third consecutive imposition”.
The BMA will ballot the profession some time in early March on the contract that has not been agreed. Somerset LMC is working in partnership with local GPC representatives to see what the next steps will be. GPC are advising on what industrial action may be possible and the LMC will be sharing this as soon as we have further details.

Clinical News/Updates

Safeguarding Update: There is now some very helpful information in ‘TeamNet’ about safeguarding. So if you want one place to find the details for the Family Front Door and the Early Help Assessment (EHA) forms look there. There is also excellent information such as guidance on ‘Bruising in Babies and Children’ , ‘Child Exploitation’ and an array of other really helpful information. You can still access information through Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership and NHS Somerset.

Somerset’s New Lipid Guidance: Dr Alex Bickerton and his team have created clear lipid guidance. We look forward to further education on this through SGPET in the year ahead. If you have any feedback on this guidance please contact

Connecting the Dots – A Brand New Somerset FT Podcast Series: This week Somerset Foundation Trust have launched a brand-new podcast series. This follows on from the Connecting the Dots engagement meetings and newsletter that are designed to enable closer working and engagement between primary and secondary care. We hope that the podcast will be another way to share important developments and discuss current challenges and ideas.
The first episode features Dr Andrea Trill, Somerset FT Medical Director for integrated and primary care, along with special guest Dr Jon Upton – a GP at St James Medical Centre, in Taunton and a GPwER (GP with extended responsibility) in dermatology and dermatology lead at the ICB. This very first podcast explores the development of the new dermatology service in Somerset, and we hope we’ve managed to answer some of the questions you might have.
If you have any further questions, feedback or you’d like to be involved in a future episode, please get in touch: or Thank you for listening, here is the link  Connecting the Dots - episode 1.

MMR Vaccinations for Practice Staff: Having raised concerns re the CNSGP cover for this we have now received the following, please note practices are ONLY COVERED until the 31st March “Following a request from NHS England, NHS Resolution is pleased to confirm that cover under Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice (CNSGP) will be available, for the period until 31 March 2024 only, to general practices and their staff in England for administering the MMR vaccination to their own eligible staff who are registered with another practice. This is to support rapid uptake of the vaccine during the present measles outbreak.”

Information for GP Partners/Salaried/Locums/Practice Managers

Avon LMC DBS Checks: The newly reformed Avon LMC have now reinstated their service for practices. The service will be managed by the Avon LMC office team and will be offering a restricted service, temporarily, whilst the system is being completed. They are currently looking at the system backlog and may be in touch with practices to confirm their outstanding DBS requests. The service is available through this link however the payment system is currently pending activation. If you need to make a payment in the interim, please contact them through and one of the team will be happy to help.

GP and GPN Fellowship Update: We have been informed by NHSE that ‘there will be funding for all fellows that are on-boarded (registering) by 31.03.24’ for the full two year programmes, including mentor support. We would like to encourage anyone interested to register interest THIS MONTH as NHSE will be able to honour the 2-year fellowship if you have a new job starting or completing training by May 2024. If anyone is thinking of joining the fellowship after March 2024, please get in touch as soon as possible too. We await further information about the future of recruitment and retention schemes and we have started conversations with our ICB on this vital matter. For interest in GP Fellowships please contact and for Nurse Fellowships

Guidance for Practices Employing Enhanced and/or Advanced Practitioners: Our LMC and Training Hub Advanced Practice Lead has developed a template Advanced Practice Policy and also an Advanced Practice self assessment tool for general practices. Both documents encompass current NHS England and regulatory guidance such as CQC requirements and multi-professional frameworks. The documents can be found here on the LMC website and Somerset Training Hub Teamnet portal where you can also find further templates and information for Advanced Practice. Email with any further questions.


NHS Pension Update 2024 Training Webinar: For practice staff who are responsible for the NHS Pension Scheme administration/management function. Tuesday 12th March 2-4pm delivered by Lentells Accountants. Book your place here.

Safe Working - Online Discussion Group with GPC Representative Dr Paul Hynam: Following recent updates to the BMA’s Safe Working Guidance, we will be running the final online update session to explore the practical implications of delivering a safe service. This one hour session will be fully interactive and will provide a safe space to discuss the pros and cons of the various measures being proposed. It will not be recorded. There will be a maximum of 20 participants at the session and is for Somerset GPs and practice managers only.
Date: Wednesday 14th March 13.00-14.00 (book online).

Somerset LMC/Training Hub GP Recruitment Event Wednesday 3rd April at Taunton Racecourse: Our latest popular GP recruitment event will be held from 2pm on Wednesday 3rd April as a face to face meeting. This event will give GPs and GP trainees the chance to meet and talk to a wide variety of Somerset practices in one place. If you are GP or GP trainee looking for a job in Somerset please book here. Somerset practices can book their table to advertise their vacancy here. Registration and participation is free but places are limited. Please book by Thursday 21st March.

Kind regards


Jill Hellens

Executive Director
Somerset LMC
Crown Medical Centre, Venture Way, Taunton, TA2 8QY

Tel: (01823) 331 428            
Fax: (01823) 338 561
General Practice in Somerset Great Place Great Potential

We have updated our privacy policies on both the Somerset LMC and Somerset GP Education Trust websites.

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