Covid 19 National Guidance
Revised "Which Covid-19 Vaccine?" poster
Posters for Point of care recording - COVID-19 vaccinations
Access to vaccination for displaced population groups
Childrens programme update 11.10.23
COVID-19 vaccines - Quick reference guide
NHSE National Protocols for COVID-19
- Covid-19 Vaccination Enhanced Service Specification Autumn/Winter 2023/24
- Template collaboration agreement for PCN Groupings delivering Covid-19 and influenza vaccinations
- Template collaboration agreement for practices collaborating to deliver influenza vaccinations
Key Updates:
It is anticipated that the Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) will advise that influenza and Covid-19 vaccinations should be co-administered as the default where the patient consents and it is clinically indicated to do so. As a consequence, any practice participating in the Covid-19 Enhanced Service must also deliver the Seasonal Influenza Enhanced Services.
We have updated the Covid-19 vaccination payment arrangements to reflect the efficiencies of co-administration and the need for continued investment in local outreach:
The Item of Service fee from 1 September 2023 will be £10.06 for each influenza vaccine administered to an eligible patient and £7.54 for each Covid-19 vaccine administered to an eligible patient. That means when Covid-19 and flu vaccines are co-administered, the combined fee will be £17.60.
In addition, there will be continued investment in local outreach and a more targeted approach to improve uptake in historically less well-served communities.
A supplement of £10.00 will be paid for each Covid-19 vaccination administered to a housebound patient.
We will communicate the start date for the Covid-19 and influenza campaigns to participating practices following receipt of recommendations from JCVI but we anticipate that this will be in October 2023.
COVID -19 Mass vaccination guidance for PCNs
11.November GPC advice on Covid 19 DES
10 August 2020 More Accurate General Practice Data
20 July 2020 Covid19: Toolkit for GPs and GP practices
02 June 2020: BMA GPC England Summary of NHSEI SOP v3
24 April 2020: Joint guidance - Death Verification (BMA & RCGP)
24 April 2020: BMA - (VoD), (MCCD) and Cremation Forms in the Community
21st April 2020 GP and practice toolkit update
16th April 2020 Identifying Patients at higer risk of Covid Guidance for GPs
03 April 2020: COVID-19: PPE for doctors
01 April 2020: COVID-19: retired doctors returning to work
01 April 2020: PCN DES Guidance
CQC Covid-19 Pandemic Information
9 Aprl 2020: Covid-19 Update from CQC Chief Inspector
FAQ On Indeminity during the Coronavirus outbreak
NHSEI Updates and Guidance for General Practice
01.06.21 Revised guidance on Infection Prevention and Control - Updated 1.6.21
11.08.20 Expanding the Primary care workforce
10.08.20 General Practice Fellowships for GPs and Nurses new to practice operational guidance
10.08.20 Standard Operating Procedures Volume 3.4
04.08.20 C0651 Covid Support Fund Letter
31.07.20 Third Phase of NHS Response to COVID-19
09.07.20 Second Phase of General Practice response to COVID-19
Implementing phase 3 of the NHS response to the COVID-19 pandemic - 7 August 2020
Clinical guidance for healthcare professionals on maintaining immunisation programmes during COVID-19
NHSE Update on GP services for remainder 2020/21
NHS resolution Guidance for General Practice
24.06.20 Standard Operating Procedures Volume 3.3
31.05.20 Standard Operating Procedures Volume 3
05 May 2020 Technical Specifications For PPE
15 April 2020: Joint Guidance CAS Alert Ibuprofen And Coronavirus
14 April 2020: GP preparedness Letter
11 April 2020: (FAQs) for clinicians re: Shielded Patient Lists
10 April 2020: Shielded Patient Lists (SPL) - NHSE Letter
10 April 2020: NHS England Updated PPE Guidance
5 April 2020: NHS England and NHS Improvement - standing operating procedure for primary care
NHS England and NHS improvement - Landing page for Primary Care
NHS England and NHS Improvement - Template letters for primary care
NHS England and NHS improvement - Guidance for Clinicians and Managers
NHS England and NHS Improvement - standing operating procedure for primary care
Useful Links:
28 August 2020: Safeguarding children - NSPCC
3 April 2020: Update on the Government’s shielding policy and implications for General Practice
26 March 2020: KISS - Managing Clinical Groups During The Coronavirus Pandemic
25 March 2020: Royal College of Physicians COVID-19 Management Guidelines
25 March 2020: Guidance and updates for GPs: At-risk patients
24 March 2020: RCGP FAQs on Appraisal and Revalidation during covid-19
23 March 2020: Joint guidance from GPC, RCGP and NHSEI - The Role of General Practice
23 March 2020: Joint guidance from GPC, RCGP and NHSEI - Workload Prioritisation
23 March 2020: OFFICIAL GPC INFO: COVID-19: remote consultations and homeworking