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(PCN) National Information and Key Dates

Updated on Thursday 8 June 2023, 9809 views


NHS England  Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES) 2023/24

Practice and PCN Ready Reckoner  2023/224 

GP Contract 22/23

Network contract Direct Enhanced Service Indicators and SNOMED codes - This tool provides a list of SNOMED codes for each indicator which are used to progress against the IIF.  

GP Contract 2022/23 - webinar slides

Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service – Contract Specification 2022/23 – PCN Requirements and Entitlements updated September 2022

Network Contract DES FAQs

Network Contract IIF one page summary for primary care teams Sept 2022

Network Contract IIF Implementation Guidance September 2022

Network Contract Personalised Care Guidance September 2022

GP Contract Hub Page 

Investment and Impact fund (IIF) respiratory indicators 21 April 2022

The Investment and Impact Fund recommenced in full on 1 April 2022, with four respiratory indicators. 

These indicators should be applied where clinically appropriate, as part of a shared decision-making process with patients.

Further information can be found in this short guide, QI toolkit.   


Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service - Contract Specification 2021/22 - PCN Requirements and Entitlements - 20 December 2021

GP Contract agreement 2021/22

BMA PCN Handbook 2021 June 2021

GPC England has negotiated minimal updates to the GP contract 2021/22 to give practice support and stability through the pandemic period.

Minimal changes from 1 April 2021, including delays to previously agreed elements. full details here 

Primary Care Networks – plans for 2021/22 and 2022/23 - 23 August 2021

Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES) and improving general practice appointment data (GPAD)

NHSE/I has published a suite of documents to support the updated Network Contract DES from April 2021. These documents implement the changes set out in the 21 January 2021 letter and include a cover note outlining the key changes, the updated Network Contract DES Specification and Guidance, and a number of supporting guidance documents, including a set of FAQs.

They have also published guidance for practices on standard national general practice appointment categories to support the mapping of local appointment slots to these new categories. This follows joint NHSE/I and GPC guidance published in August 2020, which introduced an agreed definition of a general practice appointment.

Practices are required to record all appointments in their clinical systems in line with this definition. Practices should refer to new system specific guidance, published by NHS Digital, which provides tips on how to improve data quality recording.

The final piece of guidance is for Primary care networks implementing the Investment and Impact Fund for their practices as per the requirements set out in the Network Contract DES.

Primary Care Network (PCN) Dashboard 

NHSE&I has now launched the Primary Care Network (PCN) Dashboard on NHS ViewPoint. To access the dashboard, please either register on the Insights Platform or login in using your existing Insights Platform account nd then select the NHS ViewPoint product.  There is also a  user guide s available on FutureNHS to help navigate the dashboard.

The dashboard supports PCNs to understand their local population health priorities and the benefits that they are delivering for their patients. It will include indicative data on performance and achievement for the Investment and Impact Fund indicators, as well as PCN service delivery and progress with recruitment. Some indicators draw on data extracted from GP IT systems, as described in the 2020/21 Network Contract DES. Further information about these indicators, and the SNOMED codes that they draw on, can be found on NHS Digital’s website .

The dashboard is refreshed when new data sources are updated providing a consistent and current view. It’s accessible to all PCNs and generates shared and comparable views across the country.

List of ARRS roles and Job Descriptions - from e-lfh learning 

New Roles in Primary Care

The New Roles in Primary Care National Toolkit has been developed to enable Primary and Community Care Training Hubs to work collaboratively with Primary Care Networks (PCNs) towards the development of the Primary Care workforce, as outlined in the GP Contract. The GP contract states that New Roles will be essential in securing the 26,000 extra staff under the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS). Training Hubs will support future workforce planning as one of their core functions. Training Hubs are designed to meet the educational needs of the multidisciplinary primary care team and bring together NHS organisations, community providers and local authorities. This resource will allow Training Hubs to work with their PCNs and support workforce planning, providing a valuable resource for systems developing their primary care workforce.

This Toolkit refers not only to roles included in the ARRS, but to all new roles in Primary Care.

First Contact PhysiotherapistsThe Chartered Society of Physiotherapy has put together a resource pack, supported by the Practice Managers Association, to help GP practices integrate their First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) service. The quick guide includes top tips and checklists to support the induction and implementation of FCP services.  28 October 2021

GP Contract Agreement England 2020/21

GPC England has negotiated an update to the GP contract 2020/21 - 2023/24. This contract will build on the Primary Care Networks created in 2019 (with additional funding and additional workforce), expand recruitment and retention initiatives for GPs (supported with additional funding), thus reducing workload, while retaining GP and partnership autonomy and ensuring GPs have a leadership role at the centre of primary care. The changes will significantly increase funding into the contract (both core and PCN), the details of which are set out below.

Full Details here 

PCN development, Priorities, Support & Funding guidance 2020/21

BMA PCN Handbook 2021-22

BMA - Top 10 Tips - Primary Care Networks

BMA - How to create and run a Primary Care Network

PCN Scenario: A four practice PCN in the South West 

NHSE Website New Contract Documents 

BMA PCN Page (continually updated)

04.01.2021 - SOP COVID-19 local vaccination services deployment in community settings


DES Specifications

Network DES 2020/21

Network Contract DES - Contract Specification 2020/21

Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES) Participation Form 2020/21

Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES) Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme Claim Form 2020/21


GP Contract - NHS England National Enhanced Services Specifications 2020/21

Primary Care Network workforce Planning Template 2020/21

Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES) Frequently Asked Questions 2020/21


DES Specifications

QOF Guidance 

PCN Partnership Review 


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