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The GP element of Fit for my Future

Updated on Wednesday, 17 October 2018, 1432 views

Somerset’s new health and care strategy ‘Fit For My Future’ has a clear structure, starting with population need, then looking at pathways of care, and only finally considering settings of care. This is to make sure we focus on patients not organisations, meeting needs not service requirements.
However, because GP services are so important, and because decisions are needed now on transformation and workforce, it was agreed that an in-depth look at GP services would be undertaken as early as possible.
This is the report of that work. In summary it found that:

This report contains wide ranging recommendations for action. Final Report of GP workstream of fit for my Future

Appendix A-GP forward View Commitments

Appendix B- CCG GP Patient Survey Results

Appendix C-Nigel Edwards Developing New Primary Care Contracting

Appendix D - NHS Benchmarking Report

Appendix E- Somerset primary Care needs assessment

Appendix F-Carers Champion Role-Recommendations from Carers Voice Somerset

Appendix G- South Somerset Enhances Primary Care Blue Print

Final Overview Slides GP Element of Fit for my Future



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