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Somerset Wheelchair Service

Updated on Friday, 9 September 2022, 5573 views

Somerset County Council and NHS Somerset have launched a new Community Equipment and Wheelchair Service to help people live more independently.

Previously running as two separate services, (a Community Equipment Service and a separate Wheelchair Service) this new integrated provision will ensure that those requiring equipment for the home or a wheelchair to support them will experience a more joined-up process and for professionals, it will mean using only one system for all equipment requirements.

Launching on Monday 01 August, the new service will provide a range of equipment to help people live independently, offering loans to people for as long they need them. The service will also include delivery and fitting, servicing, collection, and recycling.

Medequip were awarded the five-year contract to provide the Community Equipment and Wheelchair Service for adults, children, and young people in Somerset.

Somerset Wheelchair Service  

Medequip will be working with AJM Healthcare, who will manage the Wheelchair and Ceiling Track Hoist Services.

Click here to read more on the Somerset County Council Newsroom.




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