Thinking it? Report it
A new public awareness raising campaign, called ‘Thinking it? Report it’, launched in Somerset encouraging people to make contact with Adult Social Care if they think someone is being harmed.
The campaign has been launched with the direct support of the Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB), a multi-agency partnership including Somerset County Council, Avon & Somerset Constabulary and the Clinical Commissioning Group who work together to protect vulnerable adults from harm. The shared vision of the Board is to ‘work in partnership to enable adults in Somerset to live a life free from fear, harm or abuse’.
Currently, referrals from members of the public constitute a small proportion of the total number of adult safeguarding referrals received.
In order to carry out its Care Act 2014 duties, the SSAB wants to work together, and with the local community, to ensure that:
- There is a culture of not tolerating abuse;
- People work together to prevent abuse; and
- People know what to do when abuse happens.
We know from experience there are vulnerable people in Somerset who are subjected to abuse but may lack the ability, knowledge or support to challenge it or do something about it. That is why we are encouraging people to speak up for them. If you suspect it, think it, hear it or see, please don’t stay silent. Please read the attached leaflet (Click Here).
To report a concern about a vulnerable adult, call 0300 123 2224 or email:
In an emergency, always call 999
Campaign posters have been displayed at public locations across the county, as well as featuring on local buses. The campaign is also supported by a local radio campaign, newspaper advertisements and other material, including leaflets and really useful cards.
For further information about the ongoing campaign, how you might support it through the display of leaflets or posters, or the work of the SSAB itself, please contact Niki Shaw, Business Manager