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Collaborative Working/Networks

Building on the NHS of the Five Year Forward View (FYFV) NHSE Business Plan 2015-16

Original Document: Building on the Five Year Forward View LMC Commentary April 2015 This seems to be some sort of reiteration of NHSE's supposed independence just before the general election. It contains little of actual substance being a 'high level' document but rather restates the FYFV...

Collaboration for Survival

An LMC Position Paper on Proposals to Secure the Future of General Practice in Somerset Published June 2015 Download here Introduction The LMC Study Day on 14th May 2015 looked at some possible future directions for general practice, in particular what actions practices need to start taking...

Collaborative GP Networks

Should GP practices consider forming networks? Are all practices really faced with the prospect of forming larger organisations in order to survive? If you are a GP asking these questions this guidance sets out: The current and forthcoming pressures facing primary care What practices should...

Focus on General Practice forward View

The GPC We have gone through the document in detail, and the BMA policy directorate has produced a 'Focus on the GP Forward view' and a Funding Analysis Focus on Annex 1: Funding analysis of the GP Forward View

Focus on local implementation of new models of care

Background The Five Year Forward View (5YFV) of October 2014 set out several new care models designed to 'dissolve traditional boundaries' between general practice, community services, hospitals and social care. Vanguard sites were selected in early 2015 to test these new models of integration,...

Focus on new care model Vanguard Sites

The Five Year Forward View of October 2014 set out several new care models which aim to 'dissolve traditional boundaries' between general practice, community providers, hospitals, health and social care and mental health services. The document proposed creating a number of major new care...

Future Of Primary Care Creating Teams for Tomorrow

Original Document The Future of Primary Care Creating teams for Tomorrow A report by the Primary Care Workforce Commission. July 2015. This document has been received by Health Education England which 'will now look closely the [38] recommendations...' it contains. There is the by now usual...

General practice and integration: Becoming architects of new care models in England – A paper for discussion

This is a discussion document on the NHS Five Year Forward View, informing GPs, practices, networks and LMCs of new integrated approaches to providing healthcare and how this could work for GP networks. In addition, we have produced

GP Networks

The attached guidance provides information about the different legal structures that can be used by GP networks, including an overview of the pros and cons of each structure. GPC have put together a a step-by-step guide for practices considering forming a network

GP Networks a Step by Step Guide

An increasing number of GP practices are considering entering into some kind of collaborative arrangement with other practices. GP networks go by many names: federations, networks, collaborations, joint ventures, alliances. These terms are often used interchangeably to describe multiple...

Guiding Principles Of GP Networks

There is much discussion within the current health policy landscape about how general practice can be delivered 'at scale' through a GP network. At its most basic, a GP network is defined as a number of GP practices who have entered into some kind of collaborative arrangement with each other....

Is bigger better? Lessons for large-scale general practice

The report looks at pooling GP resources and the impact that this will have. The BMA Public Health and Healthcare team have done a very useful summary of the report which is below for information Summary: Is bigger better? Lessons for large-scale general practice (Nuffield Trust) 15-month...

Releasing Capacity Roadshow - GPC/NHSE

Bristol March 9th March There was an extraordinary hiatus at the beginning of this meeting whilst we fiddled with our mobile devices so we could vote online. Surprisingly most people present were optimistic about the future of general practice. Dr Robert Varnum pointed out how poor the data was...

Sessional GPs E Newsletter February 2016

The February edition of the Newsletter can be downloaded here

Somerset Together-Yes But Are We?

Over 90% of practices were represented by 140 delegates at this evening event to discuss the proposed outcome based commissioning contract read the full report here

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