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Focus on new care model Vanguard Sites

Updated on Monday, 5 October 2015, 1873 views

The Five Year Forward View of October 2014 set out several new care models which aim to
‘dissolve traditional boundaries’ between general practice, community providers, hospitals,
health and social care and mental health services. The document proposed creating a
number of major new care models, recognising that England is too diverse for a single
model of care to work everywhere. The new care models outlined in the document were:

Multispecialty Community Providers (MCPs) – forming extended primary care group
practices through federations, networks or single organisations to provide a wider range of
care using a broader range of professionals. The document specifically mentions employing
consultants or taking them on as partners, and potentially developing a new cadre of
resident ‘hospitalists’ ‘shifting the majority of outpatient consultations and ambulatory care

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