Building on the NHS of the Five Year Forward View (FYFV) NHSE Business Plan 2015-16
Original Document: Building on the Five Year Forward View
LMC Commentary April 2015
This seems to be some sort of reiteration of NHSE's supposed independence just before the general election. It contains little of actual substance being a "high level" document but rather restates the FYFV aims and ambitions. For example, the section on primary care is written by Barbara Hakin herself and comprises less than two pages of the 52 pages in the document and includes all other community services. We are reminded that five million consultations are carried out every week. Although "[m]any primary care services are excellent...they are under pressure, and are sometimes poorly integrated..." She pledges a recommitment to stabilising "and reviewing" (which does not sound like the same thing) core GP funding as well as delegating more power to CCGs through co-commissioning. All the different types of primary care services will be encouraged to develop new care models to support better outcomes. These efforts will be targeted on those currently reporting the worst experiences and in areas of greatest need. At this point I was mindful of the recent failure of Somerset to secure any Prime Minister's Challenge Funding. The funding formula for general practice is to be reviewed. At the end of the financial year general practice will be of higher quality, with less variation and reduced inequalities, apparently. Investment will be made in the workforce, premises and infrastructure. Excitingly there will be a step change in primary care technology and the new model vanguards will yield vital new experiences. This will "lay the groundwork for transformation" by increasing capacity and capability to support the "prevention agenda" as well as "provid[ing] proactive care for people with long term conditions." Different ways of organising and providing care will exemplify how improving coordination in community services can help reduce pressures on acute hospitals. This brief section ends with the usual warm words about "working closely" but does state that by next March new national contracts for primary care will be agreed and that there will be a plan for community urgent care ready for next winter.
Dr Barry Moyse
Deputy Medical Director