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STPs Sutainability and Transformation Plans

Updated on Friday, 8 July 2016, 2010 views

1. What are the guides for?

2. Accessing expert support

3. NHS funding


Primary Care



Learning Disabilities

Mental Health and Wellbeing

New Care Models


Supporting people to self Care

UEC and 7 day hospital services

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Delivering the Forward View

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The Kings Fund: What the planning guidance means for the NHS 2016/17 and Beyond

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Somerset LMC weekly Update Friday 18 August 2017

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Somerset LMC Weekly Update Friday 3rd November 2023

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Simon Stevens speech to the NHS Confederation Conference 17th June 2016

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Somerset LMC Weekly Update Friday 19th October 2018

Sent to all Somerset GPs and Practice Managers This and previous updates are available here Reminder that ‘type 2’ objections...

The Forward View into Action - Planning for 2015/16

Original document: The Forward View into Action: Planning for 2015/16 LMC Commentary, December 2014 This document comes with many...

(PCN) National Information and Key Dates

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Somerset LMC Weekly Update Friday 4th June 2021

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Somerset LMC weekly Update Friday 27th August 2021

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