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Care Quality Commision (CQC)

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of all health and adult social care in England. It came into being on 1st April 2009 bringing together the responsibilities of the Commission for Social Care Inspection, the Mental Health Act Commission and the Healthcare...

CQC Infection Control

There have been a lot of 'urban myths' floating around over the past few years about what CQC will mean for practices such as practices having to remove any toys from waiting rooms and replacing all their carpets. These aren't true but there is a need for practices to be compliant with new...

CQC Inspections GPC Guidance

GPC has issued guidance on the CQC registration and inspection procedure and these are available on the BMA website Full GPC Guidance on CQC Practice Inspections

CQC inspections GPC Guide

New guidance on CQC inspections has been published on the BMA website. This is a practical guide aimed at GP practices on how to prepare for a CQC inspection. It includes helpful tools including a check list, a presentation brief, key questions an inspector may ask and general hints and tips

DBS Guidance

Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS previously CRBs) - Who needs a DBS? DBS Eligibility criteria is strictly regulated by law and can only be obtained for certain roles. Please check by referring to - DBS Website and the NHS Employers DBS Eligibility Tool. Types of check A Standard DBS...

Legionnaires CQC Myth Buster

CQC Produced aMyth buster on Legionella aas they had been contacted by many practices for advice, All systems require a risk assessment, but not all systems will require elaborate control measures. Neither CQC nor HSE make any requirements about who carries out the risk assessment; the HSE...

Mandatory Training for Practice Staff

There are no statutory regulations that specify how often primary care staff should be trained. Fundamentally, it is important that if anything untoward happened in your practice, the Partners could stand in front of a coroner or judge and justify that the training they had provided for their...

Preventing Infection Control Workbook

Produced especially for GP Practice settings to help with CQC registration requirements and achieve compliance with the Health and Social Care Act 2008: code of practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance. The preventing Infection workbook can be ordered here

What CQC is looking for in relation to Safeguarding

This Useful table highlights the common themes identified in inspection reports mapped against each Key Line of Enquiry (KLOE) for Safeguarding