PCSE Performers List problems and alternative arrangements
Support England online update The new Primary Care Support England (PCSE) online service for submitting Performer List (PL) applications and changes is now live and replaces the old paper forms. Every doctor on the PL will receive an email requesting that they set up their own PCSE online account and all GPs will have received their invitation by Christmas 2019. This will enable GPs to check their details are correct and provide access to the new online system to make changes. The email will be sent to the same email address used for professional communications with the General Medical Council (GMC) – any amendments to this email need to be made via GMC online. However, most GPs should receive an invitation from PCSE. All GP practices will be sent a letter to their Care Quality Commission (CQC) manager, detailing how to register the practice for PCSE online. Only 20% of practices have so far registered; it is vital for the majority to register, otherwise the system will not work efficiently. Historically, significant problems have arisen by such delays, particularly affecting appropriate pension deductions and prescribing numbers, so it is worth checking that your practice has registered. It is prudent to remind individual GPs that regulations require that a performer informs NHS England (NHSE) of change of status and details. Changes to contractual status also requires notification by the GP and confirmation from the practice and finally contract changes by NHSE, so both practices and individual doctors should sign up to PCSE online. The new system will allow all GPs to check their details are correct, so it is worthwhile to log in to check the details, given the inaccuracies in the present list. There will inevitably be teething problems, but the General Practitioners Committee (GPC) is in regular contact with PCSE, so please highlight any issues by emailing info. gpc@bma.org.uk
All GP trainees, newly qualified GPs and GPs applying to join the Medical Performers’ List should be aware of the following issues:
GPs are not lawfully allowed to perform any primary medical services if they have not been added to the national Medical Performers’ List (MPL). Anyone can check their MPL status at any time by visiting this link: https://www.performer.england.nhs.uk/. To apply to join the Performers' List or note a change of circumstance or status please go to https://pcse.england.nhs.uk/services/performers-lists/.
GPs or GP trainees are encouraged (irrespective of contractual or employment status) to check their MPL status regularly, but especially at the present time when we are being made aware of issues surrounding administrative delays with the transfer from the old practitioner support units (PSUs) to Primary Care Support England (PSCE, the contract for which is held by Capita). Practice managers may wish to check the MPL on behalf of the GPs in their practice.
GP Trainees/Registrars (GPRs)
NHS England is aware that not all GPRs are visible as being on the Medical Performers List (MPL) and they are working with Primary Care Support England (PSCE) to get this rectified.
It is NHS England’s decision to include GPRs on the MPL that provides the legality for GPRs to work, not their visibility on the MPL itself. Due to recent problems with PCSE, individual GPRs would have been notified of this by letter or email from PCSE.
All of the GPRs who have been managed through Health Education England (HEE) are on the MPL as of the 1st November 2016. We have been informed that GPRs should have received an email/letter from PCSE confirming this.
NHS England has recognised that there may have been a small number of GPRs who have not received the email, but the reassurance is that if they have been managed through the HEE process, they are on the MPL.
If you have not received this letter from PCSE, please email somersetlmc.office@nhs.net and we will follow this up directly with NHS England.
Newly qualified GPs
For GPs who have had a change of status after they have received their Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) and who are required to complete the NPL2/3 application forms, the reassurance is that they are already on the MPL. The MPL is a national list and the fact that newly qualified GPs are making NHS England aware of their change of status does not affect their ability to work.
Upon completion of training, newly qualified GPs should email a copy of their CCT certificate, their medical indemnity certificate and their NPL2/3 application forms to pcse.enquiries@nhs.net
First time applicants
For GPs who are not on a training programme or newly qualified, ie not notifying NHS England of a change of status, and are applying to join the MPL for the first time, these doctors will be required to complete the NPL1 application form. You can find the form at http://pcse.england.nhs.uk/performer-list/, then this should then be emailed to pcse.enquiries@nhs.net as soon as possible.
Our thanks to Londonwide LMC for sharing this article
PCSE claims guidance - (14 August 2017) - Link to document
GPC England are aware that practices and individual GPs continue to experience unacceptable incidents relating to PCSE (primary care support services in England), commissioned by NHS England and provided by Capita. The issues have been ongoing for some time and we are aware of cases where practices have not received payments, or have received incorrect payments. It is never acceptable for payments to be delayed and we advise practices to follow the below process to ensure incorrect payments are corrected. Similarly, we are aware that practices or individual doctors may have suffered losses due to the failing of these services.
We advise following the attached process if a practice or individual has experienced an issue due to PCSE, please share this guidance with any members who are experiencing issues with PCSE. Please contact us at info.gpc@bma.org.uk if the issue is not resolved through this process in a timely manner, and we will take up your claim with NHS England.
This guidance is also available online, please follow this link