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Patient online Access

Updated on Thursday, 17 December 2020, 3017 views

Online Access to Digital GP Record 2019/20 contract 

Joint BMA and NHSE statement Online access 

The General Medical Services (GMS) and Personal Medical Services (PMS) contracts (2014/15) include the requirement for general practices to offer and promote to patients: online appointment booking, online ordering of repeat prescriptions and, by 31 March 2015, online access to summary information as a minimum in their patient record.

This Guide is intended for GPs, general practice staff, clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) and commissioning support units (CSUs) who are providing support to GP practices implementing Patient Online.
Updated Guide November 2015

Presentation from NHS England

The RCGP Patient Online Practice Toolkit Many GP practices already offer online access to records and transactional services for their patients,  Patient online access to their medical record will be widened in 2015/16, with some flexibility in how this is implemented by practices. More information about these changes is available in the Overview and Benefits eLearning, and the BMA Key changes to the GP contract webpage.

Click for Online services: an overview of online access (PDF) which provides guidance on the important features of online access.
Are you advertising to your patients? Are you promoting online access to appointments, for renewing prescriptions and viewing of medical records? The Patient online support and resources guide has leaflets and posters for use in surgeries. The NHS England Patient Online Support Team is there to help. They can be contacted via email to:

Following the event on 26 January, the resources and data below has been made available from the Implementation Lead, Patient Online Programme, Patients and Information, NHS England

Patient Online Videos:
Video 1: Street Lane, Leeds.  Access to Records -
Video 2: Street Lane, Leeds.  Extended -
Video 3: Kirkburton Health Centre – Online Services -
All these videos and more can be located at:

Interactive PDF: Continues to be developed with support and resources, case studies, etc. -

NHS England POL Site: The POL website -
NHS England POL Site: Support and Resources details of WebEx dates etc. -
RCGP:  The RCGP Toolkit for the latest themed guidance, eLearning and further information-

Data is published on the Indicator Portal under GP Practice data, Infrastructure and IT services.  The portal currently provides reporting on Appointments, Repeat Prescriptions, Letters and Test Results.

Using the link:

  1. From the menu on the left hand side, select Patient Online Services and then POMI. 
  2. Select the data you wish to run the report on, and then on the right hand side select System Functionality Data
  3. Once you have open the excel file, in order for you to scroll through the data, you may want to:
  4. Go to Menu bar and select View, Freeze Panes, Unfreeze Pains
  5. In the report it is possible to filter by NHS CCG

NHS England Statement for Consultation Date:
The contractual requirement is for practices to provide patients with access to all coded data unless “in the reasonable opinion of the contractor, access to such information would not be in the patient’s best interest…” or may cause harm to the patient.  It is therefore anticipated that, in the majority of cases, no date restrictions will need to be applied when enabling patient access to detailed coded GP records.  Practices that have already enabled access to all coded data in the record have been able to show that this is more meaningful to their patients.

Details of DCR training -

EMIS Action Plan for EMIS
A member of the Patient Online Team has developed the attached ‘EMIS Action plan’ to support practices to enable.

Sample Policy
The attached ‘Sample POL Policy’ has been developed at one of our Beacon Sites, whilst it is not an official NHS England document the site has agreed for this to be shared.

Patient Record Questionnaire
The attached ‘Patient Record Questionnaire’ has been developed at one of our Beacon Sites, whilst it is not an official NHS England document the site has agreed for this to be shared.

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