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An opportunity to improve General practice complaint handling across England

Building on the NHS of the Five Year Forward View (FYFV) NHSE Business Plan 2015-16

Clinical Commissioning GPs in Charge?

Department of Health Guidance: Response to the Supreme Court Judgment/ Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard

Developing accountable care systems: Lessons from Canterbury, New Zealand - The King's Fund August 2017 OR "Bending the demand curve"

Future Of Primary Care Creating Teams for Tomorrow

Government Response to the House of Commons Health Select Committee Report on Primary Care (Fourth Report of Session 2015-16) Oct 2016

Guidance for registered medical practitioners on the Notification of Deaths Regs 2019

House of Commons Public Accounts Select Committee Report on Access to General practice, April 2017

Improving quality in the English NHS: A strategy for action - The King's Fund Feb 2016

Inquiry Report in Winter Pressures

Is bigger better? Lessons for large-scale general practice

Items which should not routinely be prescribed in primary care: A Consultation on guidance for CCGs

Making a fair contribution - a consultation on the extension of charging overseas visitors & migrants using the NHS in England


NHS England National Primary Care Occupational Health Service Specification

RCGP Guide to Supporting Information for Appraisal (March 2016)

Simon Stevens speech to the NHS Confederation Conference 17th June 2016

Somerset LMC Report-LMCs Conference 2017

The Autumn Statement - joint statement on health & social care - Nuffield Trust/The health Foundation/The King's Fund

The Forward View into Action - Planning for 2015/16

The Kings Fund: Understanding Pressures in Primary Care

The Kings Fund: What the planning guidance means for the NHS 2016/17 and Beyond

Visitor & Migrant NHS Cost Recovery Programme

Who Cares? The Future of General practice

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