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Out of Hours and Integrated Urgent Care

Updated on Tuesday, 16 March 2021, 2248 views

Some GP's do the occasional out of hours session, for others it provides the majority of their income. Working for an Urgent Care Service presents different challenges from in hours General Practice. You may be seeing acutely unwell patients for the first time with no access to their medical records. However it has its own rewards too and provides a fulfilling portfolio career option for many.

Out-of-Hours Provider in Somerset

The Out of Hours Service for Somerset is provided by Devon Doctors; a not-for-profit social enterprise, which has a 20-year track record of providing acclaimed out-of-hours services in its home county. It is clinically led, with a team ethos and strong emphasis on training and education, while all clinicians benefit from an NHS Pension. Visit their website 

Letter from Dr Mark Eggleton Medical Director - Opportunities to work with Devon Doctors Group

BMA's top tips for working out of hours

Visit their web BMA Top tips for working Out of Hours

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