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GP Career Plus and GP-Link Groups

Updated on Thursday 4 May 2023, 3446 views

GP Career Plus and GP-Link Groups: These two support schemes are being offered to all GPs in Somerset.

Summary of support for GPs in Somerset

The GP Career Plus Scheme


A series of twelve facilitated and financially supported peer support meetings over 6 months. The intention is to run one set of GP Plus sessions starting early March 2021 and another later in the year. These sessions will take place on a Tuesday morning, but if there is enough interest either a Wednesday or Thursday may be possible as well.          

The Problem

Working in General Practice can be immensely challenging, and most doctors have periods when the pressure can feel overwhelming. With the addition of the Covid-19 crisis, many GPs have been pushed to a point where they no longer enjoy their work and are at risk of burnout or taking early retirement. Opportunities to chat to colleagues, to unwind and to share ways of overcoming the challenges we face have become harder to find. GP+ aims to help redress the balance.

The Programme

The Aims

The Request

Feedback from past participants

"it gave me a new perspective on the options available to me as a GP"

"I realised for the first time that I wasn't alone and could openly share my story with people who understood"

What now?

If you think this might be of interest to you, please contact by email or 07515910580 for more information.

GP-Link Groups

Would you like to meet up informally with colleagues outside work? Whatever stage of your career you are at, keeping in touch is particularly important now. Join one of the new online Somerset GP-Link groups being set up by facilitators from the GP Career Plus scheme with the support of the LMC, SGPET and SPH.

Meet for a supportive chat with colleagues while having a glass of wine or a cuppa in the comfort of your own home. Share the ups and downs of the present situation, find out how other people are managing challenges, exchange sourdough bread recipes or bike maintenance tips, say how you’re keeping fit and be there for each other if times are tough.

Meetings are held using Zoom videoconferencing software, times to be agreed. Meeting length probably 90 minutes, group size 6-8. A facilitator will help organise and support the group in the early stages. You need either a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone with a built-in or external camera and microphone and a good internet connection.

Some groups may choose to continue to meet after restrictions lifted, face to face or online.

GP groups are already happening and here’s some participant feedback…

“It’s a great relief to hear about other people’s experience of Covid and to hear how they’re coping. I thought it was just me getting stressed and grumpy!”

“I really enjoyed the meeting. It was great to be able to see people and talk from the comfort of my home, albeit with a large mug of tea and a cat in my lap! It was informal, fun and we are so lucky to be able to have this type of interaction with our peer group. I would like to keep this going.”

” It’s a great idea. The long distances between everyone also makes zoom great for the future.”

To express an interest in joining a group, email via the link below and we’ll get back to you! It’s most likely that groups will run on Tuesday evenings.



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