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Sent to all Somerset GPs and Practice Managers

Date sent: Friday 18 December 2015

Sent to all Somerset GPs and Practice Managers         This and previous updates can be found here

Pneumococcal E/S extraction

We have been informed by a Somerset Manager of further problems with the searches when looking at the E/S pneumococcal extractions from Emis on Enquiry Manager which is used to populate CQRS payments.

1. Chronic Respiratory disease is completely missing and is one of the Eligibility groups.

2. HIV infection all stages from the immunosuppression and asplenia or dysfunction of the spleen eligibility group is also missing from the search and the business rule set.

3. These searches are all for currently registered patients only and do not collate those who have left/died the practice recently.

Emis have confirmed their search is written to the business rule set published on 3.7.15 and not as per the vaccination and immunisation programmes document 2015/16 published August 2015.

Manual figures which were correct were inputted and declared for payment but were over written by the figures

Emis have agreed that the above is correct but cannot give a time scale to put the details correct. The Local Area team have been notified as have HSCIC and the GPC.

If practices inform the Area Team of their actual figures they will adjust until this problem is resolved

Cessation of national supply of paracetamol sachets for the MenB immunisation programme

Public Health England (PHE) has informed us that as the temporary supplies of paracetamol sachets, to be given after the doses of the Men B vaccinations for infants have been given, have been fully distributed, the central supply of paracetamol sachets is being phased out. The updated patient leaflets make it clear that parents will need to make arrangements to have infant paracetamol at home in time for their baby’s first immunisation appointment, and will be available to order in paper copy from late December through the DH Orderline, to be handed out at the time of the vaccination.  The full briefing which has gone out to PHE immunisations teams can be found here.

Cameron Fund Partnership Clinics

The Cameron Fund, in association, with BMA Law is offering a series of partnership clinics early in 2016.

Please see the flyer for details.  David Harris Chief Exce will be pleased to answer any questions relating to the operation of the


and finally...



Somerset LMC would like to wish you all a very Merry and restful Christmas, and a happy and healthy New Year,  we have donated to Medicins Sans Frontiere this year rather than sending cards.  As well as the bank holidays The LMC office will also be closed on Christmas Eve, and New Year’s Eve.

Kind Regards



Jill Hellens

Executive Director

Somerset LMC

TEL: 01823 331428

Fax:01823 338561

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This message is confidential to the addressee(s) and may not be circulated further without the consent of the author. If you have received it in error please delete it and notify us by return.  Somerset LMC recommendations are for guidance only and practices should take advice from their lawyer, defence organisation or other professional adviser as appropriate.




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