EMIS information - GP Connect and COVID Clinical Assessement Service (CCAS) information
Date sent: Monday 13 April 2020
All Somerset GPs and Practice Managers
Dear Colleagues
Hope you have all managed to get some rest over the Easter weekend
Apologies the EMIS guide was not included in the weekly update article, it is now attached for reference,
Please do direct any questions about this to the gpconnect@nhs.net team address to make sure you get a prompt response.
Kind Regards
Jill Hellens
Executive Director
Somerset LMC
TEL: 01823 331428
Fax:01823 338561
General Practice in Somerset Great Place Great Potential
We have updated our privacy policies on both the Somerset LMC and Somerset GP Education trust websites.
Attached file: EMIS Guidance CCAS V5 0.pdf
Attached file: GP Connect COVID-19 slides.pdf