Taunton Radiotherapy Late Effects Service
Taunton Radiotherapy Late Effects Service
Specialist advice for patients with long term complications of radiotherapy
Late effects of radiotherapy (developing 6 months or longer post treatment) are manifold and, depending on site, may include bowel and bladder disorders, sexual dysfunction, fatigue, and damage to a specific organ such as the heart. These physical symptoms can have a significant impact on quality of life, often leading to emotional distress. Not all patients will develop late side effects, much depends upon intrinsic and extrinsic factors such as the radiation dose, the number of treatments delivered and whether the patient has any co-morbidities)
Late effects can develop after many years and are therefore not always associated by the patient with his or her previous cancer treatment.
The Beacon Centre, Musgrove Park Hospital, operates a “Radiotherapy Late Effects Service” for patients who develop symptoms as a consequence of cancer treatment.
It offers a range of strategies including assessment of symptoms with appropriate diagnostics, patient information, treatment care plans and simple medications. Onward referral to other health care professionals is made where appropriate.
How to refer
Telephone 01823 342933 or email RTLateEffects@somersetFT.nhs.uk.