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Incapacity and Benefits

Certification - Patients Claiming Benefits

Practices are not obliged, either by statute or contract, to complete reports requested by organisations assisting people with their claims for benefit. Practices may choose to do so and may charge a fee. Welfare Rights and CAB usually say that they are not in a position to pay a fee. If a...

Employment Support Allowance (ESA) 113 forms

No fee is payable for an ESA113 and you are obliged to provide the information. For more information please see The Benefits System - A short guide for GPs

ESA Appeals and Medical Evidence

As the rules tighten more people are losing their ability to claim. Many are likely to appeal and ask their GP to help in this appeal. This puts GPs into a difficult position as although this is not NHS work and is therefore chargeable, these patients often are in a difficult financial...

GPC Recommendations on Requests from DWP Officers for Patient Information

DWP Officials report that some GPs are still insisting on seeing written consent for reports for DWP purposes. The GMS Regulations require GPs to accept the assurance of the DWP or its agents that there is consent. The PMS Regs are the same, with different numbers. 80 (1) The...

New framework set to simplify care information for disabled patients and their carers

Disabled patients are set to benefit from improved healthcare after a new law comes into force to ensure information they receive is clear, consistent and easy to understand. The Accessible Information Standard will be implemented on 31 July 2016 and aims to provide people who have a...

Providing Reports on Incapacity to Patients

GPs, as certifying medical practitioners, have a statutory obligation to provide statements of incapacity to patients on their list and certain information to a Medical Officer when requested. However, under their NHS contract there is no requirement for GPs to provide reports or offer an...