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Requests to convert private prescriptions to NHS FP10

Updated on Monday, 7 October 2019, 1671 views

Under NHS GMS Regulations the patient is entitled to receive any drug which is available on the NHS, via an NHS prescription.

Therefore, GPs can convert a private script to an FP10 if the patient requests this.

However, the GMC duty to prescribe only in the best interests of the patient and only within your level of competence, takes priority.

There are a number of circumstances when prescribers will decline the request or offer to prescribe an alternative medicine.

He or she may decline to prescribe if:

In any of these circumstances the patient will retain the option of purchasing the recommended medicine via a prescription from their consultant in the private sector.

There is also no provision for refunding any money already spent on private treatment, including medicines.

We have some template letters for patients requesting prescriptions following outpatient appointments:

Prescribing following assessment or treatment in the private healthcare sector

Prescribing following assessment or treatment in an NHS Hospital or Out-patient Clinic

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