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Lunchtime Tutorial - GMC Guidance: Confidentiality (Free of Charge)

Somerset LMC event

Tuesday 21 February 2017 at Somerset Local Medical Committee

Views: 1647

This is a lunchtime event.

Times: 13:00 - 14:00


Rachel Ware General Medical Council

The GMC are refreshing their Confidentiality guidance in late 2016.

Are you confident about confidentiality? The GMC receives more queries from doctors in this area than almost any other - bring yours along to this interactive workshop to explore the wide range of GMC guidance available and help ensure you can navigate this complex area - confidently!

Free of charge, please note lunch is not provided.

Location details

Somerset Local Medical Committee
Crown Medical Centre, Venture Way, Taunton, TA2 8QY

Is the training accessible to wheelchairs? Yes

Main contact

Name: Sarah Johns


Phone: 01823 331428

If you have any communication or mobility needs that the event organisers need to be aware of please contact them in advance of the course to let them know.


Please log in to book this event

This event is open to Somerset GPs, Practices and their staff in the Somerset LMC area. Some events may be open to other healthcare providers, details will be listed in the event.

Name Cost
SGPET members £0.00
Non-members £0.00
Free of charge £0.00