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Webinar: Succession/Retirement Planning: What to do with your premises?

Somerset LMC event

Tuesday 13 June 2023 at Zoom

Views: 267

This is a lunchtime event.

Times: 13:00 - 14:00

Succession/retirement planning: What to do with your premises?
Delivered by BW Healthcare Surveyors

Have you ever considered whether a sale and leaseback transaction would resolve your succession planning issues? Or if putting a lease in place between the retired GP’s and the existing partnership would be a better option?

This webinar will be performed by an expert speaker in the field of primary care who is involved with supporting practices with all their premises related issues nationwide.

They will explore the main premises options to consider when beginning GP practice succession and retirement planning; how to avoid common costly pitfalls and how a robust succession plan can even help alleviate partnership recruitment problems.

When you consider a significant proportion of GP Partners are within five years of the average retirement age of 58, putting a succession plan in place has never been so important.

It is FREE to attend over MS Teams and will also provide the audience with an opportunity for Q&As.


Will Ellis, BW Healthcare Surveyors will be joined by Gemma from Veale Wasbrough Vizards and Jenna Clark from Monahans.

Watch a recording of the webinar here

Location details


Is the training accessible to wheelchairs? Yes

Main contact

Name: Sarah Johns


Phone: 01823 331428

If you have any communication or mobility needs that the event organisers need to be aware of please contact them in advance of the course to let them know.


Please log in to book this event

This event is open to Somerset GPs, Practices and their staff in the Somerset LMC area. Some events may be open to other healthcare providers, details will be listed in the event.

Name Cost
SGPET members £0.00
Non-members £0.00