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Cancelled: Somerset LMC/STH Workforce Lunchtime Webinar: What is an FCP, how is it different to an ACP - what are the routes to become a FCP?

Somerset LMC event

Thursday 6 October 2022 at Zoom

Views: 932

This is a lunchtime event.

Times: 13:00 - 14:00

Do you have staff working within your practices who are employed in first contact roles (i.e. seeing people without direct supervision and making diagnoses/independent management plans for patients)? If so this webinar will help to demystify some of the nuances in terminology around these roles, what the requirements are for the Roadmaps to practice (MSK, Paramedic & OT) along with the supervision requirements. There will also be a brief discussion around the difference between an FCP and an ACP.

Webinar presenters: Dr Bridget Carne, Liz Oxley & Jodie Smith.

Location details


Is the training accessible to wheelchairs? Yes

Main contact

Name: Sarah Johns


Phone: 01823 331428

If you have any communication or mobility needs that the event organisers need to be aware of please contact them in advance of the course to let them know.


free Free of charge for Somerset GP Staff