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Somerset LMC GP Recruitment Event - Registration for GPs/GPSTs looking for vacancies

Somerset LMC event

Wednesday 7 September 2022 at Dillington House

Views: 974

This is an afternoon event.

Times: 16:30 - 19:45

Food is provided at this event.

(Please note this is a live event held at a venue and not online)

Afternoon Session:  16.30 - 19.45 - for ST3s and GPs 

GP Recruitment Afternoon - Book your place to talk to Somerset practices with vacancies. The afternoon will be run in a speed dating format, each GP/GP trainee rotating around each practice table in turn.

Are you an GP or GP Trainee looking for the right practice / employer to meet your career aspirations?

If you are thinking about partnership, salaried or retainer posts but not sure where to begin and aren't sure what your next steps are then help is at hand and your questions can be answered by attending this really useful event where practices from across the county and GPs and GP Trainees can come together and be introduced to each to other to explore options and hear about other innovations that are happening in Somerset Primary Care to help you in any new post.

If you feel this type of format would work for you and would be interested attending such an event you can book your place below.  The event is free of charge to attend. 

Attendees will be able to attend from 16.30 (please book below). 

Refreshments will be provided.

If you are a GP/GPST not within the Somerset LMC area then please email  to register your interest in this event.

If you are a Somerset GP Practice who would like to reserve a table at this event to advertise a vacancy please book via this separate page. 

Please note exact timings are subject to change.

Location details

Dillington House
Ilminster, TA19 9DT

Is the training accessible to wheelchairs? Yes

Main contact

Name: Sarah Johns


Phone: 01823 331428

If you have any communication or mobility needs that the event organisers need to be aware of please contact them in advance of the course to let them know.


Please log in to book this event

This event is open to Somerset GPs, Practices and their staff in the Somerset LMC area. Some events may be open to other healthcare providers, details will be listed in the event.

Name Cost
Free of charge £0.00