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Students in General Practice & Work Experience

Updated on Friday, 8 February 2019, 1260 views

Given the current recruitment and retention crisis in primary care, anything we can do to encourage interest and generate enthusiasm for primary care is to be strongly supported, so if your practice feels it can host work experience students, we would support this. 

Furthermore, we understand that it is becoming increasingly difficult for potential medical school, and possibly other healthcare applicants to secure experience in secondary care, (due to health & safety, infection control and other restrictions), yet often evidence of experience is mandatory on course application forms.  Usually the student is seriously considering a career in healthcare, and therefore patients and your staff will be generally supportive.  

There is an excellent and very comprehensive guide around work experience in General Practice which has been developed jointly by the RCGP, Medical Schools Council and Health Education England.

It includes planning your offer, template application and welcome letters, placement agreements and suggested timetables for work experience students.

We have reiterated the key points with some further thoughts and examples below:

Everyone (including students and volunteers) should be given information governance training appropriate to their role and that Wessex LEaD can offer further advice on where to access training and resources.  Any students should also be given to access the Practice’s Staff Handbook and Privacy Notice.

Remember, a well planned work experience placement can be mutually beneficial!




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