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Somerset LMC GP Recruitment Event - For Somerset Practices only (book a table for your practice)

Somerset LMC event

Wednesday 3 April 2024 at Taunton Racecourse

Views: 484

This is an afternoon event.

Times: 14:00 - 18:00

Food is provided at this event.

Is your Somerset practice looking to recruit a new GP?

Somerset LMC and Somerset Training Hub want to help you find the right person.

Sign up for this face to face event to find the GP you are looking for.

Our popular GP recruitment events give practices the chance to talk to a number of GP Trainees and GPs all in one session. We are using a combination of social media communications and national adverts to invite GPs and GP Trainees from across the county and beyond to the event on Wednesday 3rd April.

What you have to do so that your practice can be involved:

GPs and GP Trainees registered for the event will receive details of all practice vacancies.

Sessions will run at 10 minute intervals. Tables available for set-up from 13.00, event starts at 14.00 with an approximate 18.00 finish but could be later.

After the event GPs, GP Trainee and practices will progress shared interest under their own steam and with continuing advice and support from Somerset LMC and Training Hub as required.

If the event becomes fully booked please book onto the waiting list.  We would appreciate it if you could limit your representation at the event to two people per practice.

(If you are a GP/GPST looking for a vacancy please book via this separate link)

Please note exact timings are subject to change.


Location details

Taunton Racecourse
Orchard Portman, Taunton, TA3 7BL

Is the training accessible to wheelchairs? Yes

Main contact

Name: Sarah Johns


Phone: 01823 331428

If you have any communication or mobility needs that the event organisers need to be aware of please contact them in advance of the course to let them know.


Please log in to book this event

This event is open to Somerset GPs, Practices and their staff in the Somerset LMC area. Some events may be open to other healthcare providers, details will be listed in the event.

Name Cost
Free of charge £0.00