Somerset LMC Weekly Update Friday 27th September 2024
Date sent: Friday 27 September 2024
Sent to all Somerset GPs and Practice Managers This and previous updates are available here
- MD Soundbites! New this week...Domestic Abuse
- GPAS (General Practice Alert State)
- Collective Action
- Clinical News/Updates
- 3rd part prescribing for GLP1 injectables
- Pathology supplies
- Changes to supply route for sub dermal contraceptive implants (Nexplanon)
- Southwest Pathology Services User Survey for Primary Care - Information for GP Partners/Salaried/Locums/Practice Managers
- Developments with Advice and Guidance – Cinapsis
- DPIA for ICE ordercomms
- Supporting new Fathers - an opportunity for practice development with funding
- Research culture and capabilities questionnaire for general practice staff survey - Training/Events
- National Teaching Opportunity for Doctors and Dentists - Resources
- The Claire Wand Fund - Safe Working in General Practice (BMA) This guidance is regularly updated with new items and suggestions
- Job Vacancies
- The Health & Self Care Podcast
Clinical News/Updates
3rd part prescribing for GLP1 injectables: You will be aware that a number of patients are now seeking GLP1 injectable medications from private companies. Some GPs are receiving letters asking us for any reasons why the patient should not be prescribed the drug for weight loss etc. To limit our responsibility we can ask the provider to ask the patient to seek a summary of their patient record – a draft letter has been added to the LMC website that practices can adapt.
Pathology supplies: The lab did have an issue last week with deliveries, due to a national problem with supplies , which they have now confirmed are mainly resolved.
Their advice for Practices is to ensure order of stock is placed at least 7 days ahead of when needed, to allow for extended turnaround times in filling the orders at this time, due to national restrictions being applied.
Changes to supply route for sub dermal contraceptive implants (Nexplanon): From 1 January 2025, GP practices will be able to order Nexplanon directly from their suppliers and claim back the cost. The Statement of Financial Entitlements (SFE) will be published on 1 October 2024 including this change. This will mean that patients do not have to go to the pharmacy to pick up the implant themselves and then make a further GP appointment to get it fitted. Community pharmacists should consider running down their stocks of sub-dermal implants in response to this change.
Southwest Pathology Services User Survey for Primary Care: The lab would appreciate it if practices could complete this survey, it should only take 5 minutes.
Information for GP Partners/Salaried/Locums/Practice Managers
Developments with Advice and Guidance – Cinapsis: From Tuesday 1st October practices will be able to contact Musgrove’s Nephrology, Somerset Community Pain Service and Oculoplastic Service teams via Cinapsis.
The aim is to manage all referrals received by Cinapsis within 5 working days (routine) and 2 working days (urgent) and all advice, guidance and referral requests should also be sent through this route. Any onward referrals (including redirecting to the suspected cancer service) will be managed by administrators in secondary care and general practice will not be asked to make onward referrals.
The majority of Somerset practices have already onboarded the Cinapsis platform to their systems. Please check that your practice has loaded Cinapsis onto your GP system, and you have the link to the system available on your toolbar.
If you have access but would like a reminder on how to use the system, or would like to check that you are signed up as a practice, please contact the advice and refer team
The LMC position is in line with the BMA Collective Action 2. Practices have no contractual requirement to engage with Advice and Guidance unless they choose to.
DPIA for ICE ordercomms: Pactices will have received the ICE Ordercomms Data Sharing Agreement on 23 August by DocuSign for signature. The LMC can confirm that practices can sign this document - the ICE system is for direct patient care and so is not covered by the current BMA collective action.
GPAS: Please can we remind all practices of the value of GPAS – over recent weeks we have seen a significant drop in the % of returns. This data really does help evidence the pressure in our services. Thank you for your continuing support with this
Research culture and capabilities questionnaire for general practice staff survey: NHS England SW is conducting this survey to help them identify and characterise research capabilities within healthcare professionals working in primary care and research culture of primary care organisations across the South West of England. This questionnaire is based on the research capacity in context tool developed by Queensland Health and Griffith University in Australia. They are asking participants to rate their perceptions of research capacity and its support on two levels: organisational and individual. This information will be used to support research capacity building amongst staff across the South West. Click here to complete the survey.
It should take no more than 10 minutes. Any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Dr Kate Lippiett South West General Practice Nurse Clinical Research Fellow
National Teaching Opportunity for Doctors and Dentists: GPs are invited to participate in Mock Interview Teaching Days, which help Year 13 students from schools across the UK as well as fundraising for the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund Charity.
All of the questions and mark schemes will be provided in advance. All that they require is for you to be willing to give up your time to help students gain some valuable practice for their real university interviews, and raise some money for Royal Medical Benevolent Fund in the process!
All of the volunteers will be awarded a national teaching certificate, student feedback and a reference for participating in the teaching day. There is also a national prize available for the best teacher and mentor so it would be a really good portfolio opportunity.
The Royal Medical Benevolent Fund (RMBF) have exclusively partnered with Mentorverse to organise this event. The RMBF provides support for medical students and doctors facing financial hardship.
If you are interested in taking part or if you would like some more information, please complete and submit this form or email You can choose to attend any of the following dates:
Saturday 9th November/Sunday 10th November/Saturday 14th December/Sunday 15th December.
The Claire Wand Fund: This is a charitable fund that makes grants to GPs to provide scholarships and grants for research and education. Examples of awarded grants include research projects initiated by GPs, audits, course fees where the course will lead to the development of new clinical services within the applicant’s practice, and travel for the study of general practice in different cultures. The fund welcomes applications twice a year, at least two weeks prior to the April and October trustee meetings. Claire Wand Fund | Providing Education and Research Grants for GPs | Claire Wand Fund - Providing Education and Research Grants for GPs.
Kind regards
Jill Hellens
Executive Director
Somerset LMC
Crown Medical Centre, Venture Way, Taunton, TA2 8QY
Tel: (01823) 331 428
Fax: (01823) 338 561
General Practice in Somerset Great Place Great Potential
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