Somerset LMC Weekly Update Friday 10th May 2024
Date sent: Friday 10 May 2024
Sent to all Somerset GPs and Practice Managers This and previous updates are available here
- MD Soundbites! New this week... new operating models
- GPAS (General Practice Alert State)
- News from the GPC
- Clinical News/Updates
- Are you measles ready? Knowledge up to date? Know how to manage? IPC measures in the practice updated?
- Routine Falls Referral Pathway Changes - Information for GP Partners/Salaried/Locums/Practice Managers
- ARRS Funded Paramedics
- GP Pastoral Care Officers Wanted
- Learning Organisation Approval Process - Training/Events
- Digital Campaigning Masterclass with Gregor Poynton: from the rebuild General Practice team 16th May 12.30-13.30
- GP Group Maternity Coaching Course - Safe Working in General Practice (BMA) This guidance is regularly updated with new items and suggestions
- Job Vacancies
- Somerset Emotional Wellbeing Podcasts
Clinical News/Updates
Are you measles ready? Knowledge up to date? Know how to manage? IPC measures in the practice updated?: Most of us will not have seen many measles cases. Perhaps best to take a few minutes to refresh our knowledge. The ICB updates are excellent and the statistics of 100 susceptible people (not vaccinated against measles) who are exposed to the virus results in about 90 people with measles and 7 with complications, certainly hits home the need to be immunised and be measles aware.
Key facts:
1. Symptoms before the rash (2-4 days before the rash)
2. Fever escalation at rash onset - offers opportunity to suspect the diagnosis
3. Koplik spots – usually disappear on day 2 of the rash
4. The rash usually starts on the face
All cases must be reported to the Health Protection Team (HPT) on 0300 303 8162 / The HPT will co-ordinate testing and any subsequent actions. Remember reporting is also appropriate for patients who you suspect have measles from a telephone assessment.
Risk assessment of contacts is important – know the process. Measles Update NHS Somerset is an excellent summary. Full NHS guidance click here.
Routine Falls Referral Pathway Changes: The pathway for falls referral will change so that it is quicker and simpler. Rather than going via SPL and being triaged out, ALL routine falls referrals will now be required to go via the standard CRS referral form from 3rd June 2024. If there are any queries in the interim, please contact
Information for GP Partners/Salaried/Locums/Practice Managers
ARRS Funded Paramedics: Somerset LMC are aware there may be paramedics working in ARRS funded First Contact Practitioner roles who do not meet the specific DES contractual requirements regarding the NHS England Roadmap to Practice for the role. We would advise those practices and PCNs employing ARRS funded paramedics to check that staff have completed the Roadmap or are currently enrolled on a university supported or taught route. The unsupported portfolio route is now closed, therefore any paramedics not yet signed off will need to access a supported or taught route. A list of the universities offering supported and taught routes for the Roadmap can be found here. There will be an online information and support session held on Tuesday 4 June, 1200-1300 for practice and PCN managers, or other appropriate employer representative, please follow this link to book a place. If you are unable to attend the session on 4 June, but still require advice, please contact the LMC AHP Lead
GP Pastoral Care Officers Wanted: We are currently seeking experienced and compassionate clinicians to join the Somerset LMC Pastoral Support Network as Pastoral Care Officers. The Network provides support and guidance to GPs who finds themselves struggling or facing challenges in their life. Our Pastoral Support Officers act as advocates, offering a helping hand and creating a safe space for individuals to explore the best route forward. If you are interested in applying for this reimbursed role or would like to know more, please contact Zoë Fox, Pastoral Care Lead, Somerset LMC
Learning Organisation Approval Process: Some of you will have heard of the organisation approval process, as all PCNs in Somerset are now either working towards this or have been approved. We thought we would provide background for those people who are not familiar with it. Traditionally, without the approval process, practices have needed to engage with colleges or universities directly and seek approval for each learner type. As the variety of learners and numbers of learners has increased over the past few years, this has become less easy. Where there is a “ Organisation” approved site, practices across a primary care network (PCN) footprint are able to accept all learners (clinical, administration, management, including apprentices), with the ability to supervise between practices. Somerset Primary Care Training Hub currently has a project officer to help PCNs to complete the process by the end of 2024. If you would like to find out more then please click here for additional details or visit the deanery website for full details.
GP Group Maternity Coaching Course: This external course may be of interest to those GPs on maternity leave and returning in the autumn. More information on the course, and feedback from a recent course, is available via the link here. Any enquiries or to book please contact The course runs over 5 dates 10th, 17th, 24th September and 1st, 8th October 1-2pm at a cost of £199.
Kind regards
Jill Hellens
Executive Director
Somerset LMC
Crown Medical Centre, Venture Way, Taunton, TA2 8QY
Tel: (01823) 331 428
Fax: (01823) 338 561
General Practice in Somerset Great Place Great Potential
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