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Somerset LMC Weekly Update Friday 11th March 2016

Date sent: Friday 11 March 2016

All Somerset GPs and Practice Managers                This and previous updates can be found here

SPQS Practices will by now have had an offer letter from NHSE England asking if they wish to join SPQS for 2016-17. We apologise that this has arrived so late, but this is not something within the control of the LMC or the CCG. The LMC has been closely involved in discussions about the content of SPQS and we believe that this years scheme continues to develop the principles of those in the last two years, and that the work required is reasonable in comparison with QOF. Please note that you need to respond directly to NHSE and not the CCG if you wish to take up the offer.

Somerset Together Following the meeting for practices held on 9th February the LMC has approached the CCG with  the "Option C" that was discussed at the meeting. This suggests that the CCG should retain the New Enhanced Service for the 2017-18 rather than transferring it to the Relevant Joint Venture that year.  This means that instead of having just five months for practices  considering level two or three involvement first to negotiate their relationship with the new JV, and then to agree the content of the ES, they will now have eighteen, which the LMC believes is a more realistic timetable. The CCG has indicated that they have no fundamental objection to this, though they have not yet reached a formal decision on the matter.

It does appear that the CCG is acting within the rules in restricting access to the New Enhanced Service to practices engaging at level two or above.

Meantime, the list of questions raised at the meeting has been considered by the CCG and the Symphony Vanguard, and we hope to be able to publish their replies shortly.

Severn Deanery Careers Fair The RCGP Severn Faculty careers fair was held on 9th March, with GPST3s from the whole region attending.  The CCG and LMC sponsored a stand with the aim of raising awareness of career opportunities and new ways of working being developed in the county, such as SPQS, Symphony and Somerset Together.  There was a lot of interest from trainees in neighbouring GP schemes, many of whom did not realise that QOF is inactive and that there are areas where different health and social care bodies are working co-operatively to improve efficiency and care.

Ten organisations gave us details of their vacancies, and these were displayed, along with information about SGPET, SuCCeSS, GP+ Networking and the role of the LMC.  Visit Somerset also supplied us with copies of their brochure - collected from Wookey Hole the evening before by a helpful GPST from Wells!

Armed with a flyer extolling the positives of being a GP in Somerset, the small team set about talking to as many of the 130 trainees present as possible.  It was very positive to see how much interest there was.  We have come away with a list of GPSTs looking for locum work in Somerset, and their contact details will be circulated to practices in their preferred areas.  A number of trainees also expressed an interest in finding out more about other posts in future.  One possibility would be a local meeting set up between practices with vacancies and GPSTs (or established GPs) looking for work in the county.  This would need to generate sufficient interest to go ahead, so please let the LMC know if you would like to take part. 

Enthused by the positive response, we hope it might be possible to have a stand at the RCGP Conference in Harrogate in October, both to recruit GPs to the area, and to share the excellent work being done at all levels by Somerset GPs. 


Kind Regards



Jill Hellens

Executive Director

Somerset LMC

TEL: 01823 331428

Fax:01823 338561

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