Zoom Support Calls
Date sent: Friday 3 April 2020
All Somerset Practice Managers
Dear Colleagues
Hope you are all well
The feedback given on the recent survey showed that many of you would like face to face group support.
Yvonne Vigar has therefore set up a series of these over the coming weeks that you can join via zoom. Yvonne is struggling to do this via Microsoft Teams mainly due to you all needing to be part of her ‘team'.
She has therefore, set up some Zoom support meetings as follows:
- Tuesday 7th April, 11am
- Tuesday 14th April, 11am
- Thursday 16th April, 11am
- Tuesday 21st April, 11am
- Thursday 23rd April, 11am.
These are available to anyone who would like to join a group call to discuss what issues they may be struggling with that day / week and to come up with solutions; or as a method of feeding back what would be helpful to them.
The zoom details are as follows:
Topic: Practice Manager Support Call
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/7439574814
Meeting ID: 743 957 4814
If anyone who can’t use zoom and wants a MS Teams call, Yvonne is happy to liaise individually to arrange something similar so do please e mail her to arrange yvonne@astara-coaching.co.uk
We do hope you will find this valuable, there are a lot of other suggestions on the survey which we are working on over the coming weeks
Stay well, you all doing a fab job
Kind Regards
Jill Hellens
Executive Director
Somerset LMC
TEL: 01823 331428
Fax:01823 338561
General Practice in Somerset Great Place Great Potential
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