Cold Chain Guidance
Cold Chain Events Guidance
Cold chain events Change to the process. When an incident happens the nurse or clinician should email screening and Imms team. They will get a call from the ‘on call’ member of the team to ask for more details. The Screening team (PHE)will then contact the manufacturers to see if the vaccines can be used off license. Immform will be updated and a SEA will be completed and sent to the CCG.
Document to support cold chain incidents with a flow chart - Vaccine Incident Guidance (
The local screening and immunisation team should be advised of any incident. They will ask if you want to use the vaccines which will depend on how long they have been out of controlled temperatures. They may ask you to contact individual manufacturers to assess if the vaccine is safe to use and if it is, off license or not. Immform will be updated and a SEA will be completed and sent to the CCG.
NHSE/I South West Public Health – General Enquiries:
South West Vaccination & Screening Team (abbreviated to SW VaST
Immunisation Clinical Advisory Response Service: