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Adult Safeguarding

Updated on Thursday 1 August 2024, 200 views

Somerset ICB Safeguarding Adults Policy

Up to date guidance can be found here: 

Adult Safeguarding: Roles and Competencies for Health Care Staff | Royal College of Nursing (

Other useful resources:

NHS Prevent training and competencies framework

CQC GP mythbuster 25: Safeguarding adults at risk

Somerset Domestic Abuse - Home page

Somerset Domestic Abuse - Resources for GPs and health professionals


Adults:  Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board - If you are worried about a vulnerable adult and would like our help, please don’t stay silent. Call: 0300 123 2224 Email: Police: 101 or in an emergency 999. Safeguarding alert form

Additional support for Somerset GP practices can be found by contacting the Somerset ICB strategic safeguarding team - call 01935 385182 or email

To the best of our knowledge these contact details are correct, however we would urge practices to contact their local teams for up-to-date information and named contacts and leads.



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